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Management of sealed-bid auction curves: Applications of the Linear Hinges Model

E.F. Sánchez-Úbeda, J. García-González

8th Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems - IPMU 2000, Madrid (España). 03-07 julio 2000


In this paper it is proposed a new methodology for managing the data related to supply and demand curves of a sealed-bid auction market. We show how original data of these bidding curves can be compressed using the Linear Hinges Model (LHM), but without losing relevant market information. It is also presented a fuzzy representation of the LHM, which provides automatically a set of humanly understandable fuzzy rules. These rules are useful to describe qualitatively the quantity-price dependence given at the bidding curves. Several application examples are shown in detail and salient features of the model are also discussed.

Palabras clave: Bidding curves, supply functions, fuzzy modeling, automatic learning, fuzzy-rules induction

Fecha de publicación: 2000-07-03.

E.F. Sánchez-Úbeda, J. García-González, Management of sealed-bid auction curves: Applications of the Linear Hinges Model, 8th Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems - IPMU 2000, Madrid (España). 03-07 julio 2000.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • *Predicción y Análisis de Datos
  • *Programación de la Operación a Corto Plazo, Elaboración de Ofertas y Análisis de Reservas de Operación

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